I got out to the track about 10 AM on Sunday. The main goal was getting used to driving a shifter and to set a baseline lap time for future driver/kart improvement. This plan was hampered however by only getting 10 laps in before the throttle cable came loose leading to the RPM dropping to idle leading to the motor stalling because I was running WAY too rich with the choke still on. After an hour of trying to unsuccessfully re-start the engine, I had to leave for the track to start my journey back to San Angelo.
The engine is fine and is producing good spark, but it was just too flooded to refire even with a new spark plug so I didn't do any damage - I just screwed up my day. However, my ruined day was kind of recovered when I got to drive a Factory Five Cobra replica with a Ford 5.0 engine and eat delicious Mexican food at Joe T. Garcia's in Fort Worth. I will be back at the track in two weeks for practice at Rimrock Speedway in the home of Chaparral Cars - Midland, TX.
NOTE: Yes, the kart does have a Jeff Gordon Dupont decal scheme. The previous owner does business with Dupont and Jeff Gordon, so he threw on some flame-filled Dupont Chevy graphics. I will be removing them for something slightly more under-stated and non-NASCAR.
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