Saturday, May 10, 2014

When you watch F1 in the UK....'s on the when the sun's out and it's played in public places. Word.

Ogburns are 1 and 2 in ESP ProSolo Points right now....

With only 4 events so far this year, this is sure to change...but it's kind of cool for now. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Missed Shifts at the Mineral Wells ProSolo

With the drag starts of SCCA ProSolo, shifting is especially the 1-2 shift at the drag start is kinda important. The ESP Camaro was not too happy with 1-2 shifts this weekend. For the first time in the car, my Dad and I both had trouble with getting the car into 2nd gear. I had to double stab it on half of my runs which was extremely frustrating and didn't help the lap times at all.

Here are the Bump class results. Korry Berger took home the win in the ESP battle clipping me by 0.05s. Grant Watkins took home the Bump class win in his SMF Civic. Congrats! I really struggled on the right side all weekend and couldn't get into the 39s for the life of me. With my 3rd place finish and being 0.8 back from Grant, I barely made the Super Challenge for the event which makes it 2 for 2 events this year. I was the 31st qualifier based on my gap to Grant in Bump class so I had a tough road to go. Despite this, I had two decent runs and barely lost by 0.2s. With a missed shift on both sides (common theme....), I could have moved into the next round...oh well.

Our next National event will be the Pro Finale and Solo Nationals in September. Despite the transmission troubles, I took home 2nd place points for the ProSolo championship this weekend and will take a 1st and 2nd into the Pro Finale which gives me a shot at the ProSolo Championship if I can hang with the AWD cars. For now, time to pull the transmission which won't happen until sometime over the summer, but I have to get it fixed before pulling the car up to Lincoln. I will be putting the lift to good use this Summer!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Mineral Wells ProSolo This Weekend

Arrived a bit late in the Mineral Wells Paddock

We are in Mineral Wells, TX for the our 2nd ProSolo event of the year. This is the closest National SCCA solo event of the year to my house so I enjoyed just having a 3 hour drive after work instead of 12! We only have 3 entrants in ESP unfortunately so we will be competing in the indexed Bump class. We should have over 5 drivers in Bump class so it will be possible for us to qualify for the Super Challenge. It's going to be a hot one this weekend, but at least there is no rain the forecast.

The car is basically in the same trim as my last event in College Station except for the new front upper control arms I installed to gain front camber. They are Global West arms modified by BlaineFab and look to be nice pieces. We will see how they fair on the old Mineral Wells asphalt this weekend.

You can following the action here:

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